Starting a New Blog!

I am starting a new blog. This is where I will be posting all of my step-by-step WIP photos from now on. I decided that I would do this for myself as a visual journal, but I am happy to share what I can with anyone interested. What I intend to do is show the paints I use and what each layer does to a reborn that I am working on. I have done a couple of threads like this on here before, but I don’t want to junk up the forum with any more of them. I have been keeping the paint swatches for each layer of each baby in a little sketchbook and making notes there, but I feel that I need the photos as well; hence, the blog. This information is invaluable when I am shooting for a specific skin tone. I am by no means an expert and if you decide to read my blog, then please know that we are learning together :slight_smile: In time, I hope to link some live painting videos from there as well.

Anyways, here is the link:


I will check it out :slight_smile:

There is not much there, yet. Just a welcome post and a homepage. I literally just made it :smiley:

Thank you guys! :heart_eyes: The support of this forum as meant everything to me as a reborn artist. I would have given up so long ago if not for the encouragement and guidance that I find here. That is why my information, anything I can give, is yours!



I love that you are doing this and are willing to share it with us! Thank you :grin:

I bookmarked :grinning:

Bookmarked :wink:

I bookmarked also. I am up for anything I can learn. I appreciate your efforts.

How it will work? I signed up, so will I be notified by email about your new posts? Do I need to be logged in just to read it?

Bookmarked too. I appreciate and thank you for sharing. For myself, I’ve never stopped trying to learn with painting the dolls. I hate getting into rut and paint the same way all the time, I am about chances and trying new things and ways. Thank you again. Your work is beautiful.

New updates to the blog! I covered the entire making of my newest dolly Wendy. I also put in an area on the homepage where customers can order via I don’t think my blogs sees much traffic yet, but I am preparing for a hopefully bright future.

@Peachtree I love your WIX page. Did you pay to sell on there? I was thinking about doing that too. I have all of the dolls that I have made on WIX and was thinking about selling from there.

I did not pay to sell. You can create product listings for free. Each listing directs buyers to my Reborns page to complete a purchase.


Oh, ok thank you. I will do that!

Cool I will check it out, lets do a collaboration some time!