Spoiled reborner

Who else is a spoiled reborner having to do it now! I should have waited on this baby for Nadia but no, Estelle had to try to do it in three days because that sounds so logical!!! UGHHHHHHHH my mom would say you and your stupid ideas!!! lol


Which baby are you talking about?

lol this poor tink with terrible pinholes

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Let me see please

I will trying to hurry up and root some darn hair booo


Take your time :hugs:

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Cell phone pic and the lighting is off but whatever, lol not my favorite

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She’s Adorable Estelle!! :heart_eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So not feeling her. I need to go back and give her some eyebrows. Her hair is not as detailed as I usually do but I was trying for my baby last minute. Sigh

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Thank you. Have to see how she looks I better light.

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I like her.

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aww thank ya! I am so mad I started her. I am throwing a tantrum over here.


You can pull this off!! I’ve never seen a baby that wasn’t well done by you!! Breathe

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i wanna throw her away

I have that same basket and She is darling. Don’t throw her away!

I’ve been there, in fact I threw out Jewel’s head because I couldn’t strip her well enough and off she went. Now I regret it as I could have maybe used it for practice. Please don’t throw her away. I’ll take her.:kissing_heart:

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her hair is eaten by her head. SO it was cut but when glued it pulled it through. NEVER AGAIN WILL I RUSH.

I’m going to pm you…give me a few

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PM sent