Splay legged in front loading body

Every time I want to put a doll in one of the new shape BB front loading bodies, it looks all splay legged. Anyone else notice this. It’s almost like I have to hold them together. I end up taking them out even though I don’t like the 3/4 legs either. Does someone make a body that doesn’t do this. The holes need to be closer together and slightly more front facing. :confused:


I saw a video where Denise Pratt puts neck rings on the legs then puts them in a front loading body… The legs are then able to twist. Maybe that helps this issue?


I always use the front-loading legs and love how the look.

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The legs twist fine. I superglue the rims and they are very turnable. It just when you lay the baby on their back, the legs spread out in a “Y”. No one else has noticed this?


Got one here…I put Kaelin in a Clyde body and also didn’t like the legs. The body was also to long and made Kaelin out of proportion, so I went with the suggested regular front load and she is fine now.


That’s how baby legs are, though. They can be moved around a little but it’s soooo much better than dealing with leg caps and legs that flail in every direction.


I hate the bodies that make it look like the baby has hip dysplasia. I love BB but their bodies need some adjustments. It seems like one size body is recommended for 3 or 4 different size dolls and they just don’t fit properly. Also, the arms are set too far back and the neck openings are too big and bunch up around the neck. If I buy a body and have to take it apart and re-do it I might as well make my own or buy one that fits somewhere else.


I think that is the way baby legs are when they are on their backs or stomachs so it is a natural position…

If your baby legs are splaying so much that the heels are pointing skyward or they look twisted…it could be that there is too much weight in the leg…Filling the leg to just past the knee with beads and the thigh with fibrefill helps to balance it and make more control…Legs that are filled to the rim can be too top heavy and cause the leg to ‘fall’ too far sideways and tends to put stress on the body…Another thing that will control how far your legs fall is making sure that the little bottom is properly stuffed and weighted…a saggy little backside won’t add any support at all… :smile:


Here’s my Asher on the BB body for the Realborns. Yes, the legs are out like a “Y” but I think it looks just like a baby.

When cradled, that same position changes a bit:


Yeah, that looks good. I guess the body I am using may be a tad big. The front loading bodies do make the doll a little stiffer. I will dress it all up and see how it looks. I hate the big hips on the 3/4 legs but I like the flexibility. Thanks for all the suggestions. :slight_smile:


I agree with your assessment of the splayed legs to some degree. I did a “Tayla” BB kit and it had one of those bodies and she just looks plain weird. I dodn’t like it at all. If you turn the legs on the babies with the front loaders then they look like a frog—and that’s ok, since babies lay like that----but what if you want the legs to just point down as in a more straight position-----it doesn’t work well, and not everyone wants their baby to look like a frog all the time. Let me put it this way, it doesn’t work on my tayla at all. JMO


Babies legs do lay like that when they’re sleeping and relaxed but they don’t stay that way when you pick them up. I made my own body for Tayla. The Byron body doesn’t fit right either.

That’s right! When you pick up these babies I would like to see their legs go into a hang down position, and they sure don’t. Maybe I am doing something wrong huh?

When I pick them up, I generally rotate the leg closest to me so the knee points up.

Thanks Amy, I guess there is no way to have the legs just move themselves huh? That would be the Perfect Body for us!!


What a darling Asher, so beautiful.

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Aww, thank you, Sheila! :blush:

I like the RealBorn bodies, but I think the body for my little Megan made her look like a football player in the shoulders and I couldn’t get enough stuffing in her hiney to offset the gigantic hip joints! HA I barely stuffed the shoulder area, so she wouldn’t stick out anymore than necessary.