Special gift!

This sweet Baby is going to my precious Aunt! So hope she loves her!


She is so beautiful, your Aunt will love her so much!! So amazing gift

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I’m sure she will!

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Beautiful! She is going to love her!! :heart_eyes:

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Aw she’s so cute!

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She will definitely fall in love with her! She is beautiful

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How can she not love her? She’s gorgeous!

She looks pretty pleased from what I can tell :wink:

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She is beautiful your aunt is going to love her :slight_smile:

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What’s not to love? Amazing gift!

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She was very happy! We both cried when I gave it to her! And she named her after me☺️


How sweet - baby Londa!

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She’s gorgeous and what a nice gesture!!!
I recently gifted a doll to my friend’s grandmother and it was so gratifying to see the look on her face :heart:


It truly is!

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