Sort of a game...sort of a survey

Awww thank you!!!:heart::heart:

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I have to say that there really are not enough ladies on here that use their nursery names on their avatars, etc for me to know them or make a choice…I have to try and force something to come to mind and most times it is the persons forum name instead of a nursery name…lol So not knowing enough nursery names for forum members, I think if I put one down here it will be more because there are only a few that I know instead of it being one that pops into my mind because of the name itself …Lots of lovely nursery names coming up on the other thread though…Now that I am seeing them all, the choice is even harder…lol

Oh my! I’m having a hard time thinking of one…
How about Lollipop Cradle. I always remember that one. hehehe


I honestly don’t remember too many of the nursery names because I always just go by everyone’s username. I know my username is different than my nursery also. Most probably don’t know my nursery either because of that.

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As soon as I read this question, and before reading any comments or answers, the first one that popped into my head was @heartstringsnursery. Don’t know why, but it did!


That’s how I was with “My Blissful Babies”. So we have a few candidates for our hall of nursery name fame!

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My Blissful Babies because I just saw a post about iron on stickers for bodies so people can’t steal your doll as theirs. I loved the little owls so it stuck

I’m terrible but honestly my mind is completely blank :open_mouth: does that count? :smiley:

Look at the nursery name above and below you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

There are so many great nursery names, but two jump out at me: Dollymama because it is quirky and just rolls of the tongue so easily, and My Blissful Babies because its so peaceful and sweet.