Something Really Special Is Happening in the realborn community!

Has one seen on Bountiful baby website that talks about entering your newborn babies in a free photographing to have your baby be transferred in a realborn vinyl kit form? I really wish I had a newborn baby for that. Its list on their website and you have scroll all the way down the page and you should see a link that saids “Click here to submit your newborn for a free photography session”. So you click the link and it should pull up a form that you have to fill out the information about your baby.

That’s really nice for Bountiful baby to have that opportunity for us!!

Thank you so much Bountiful baby!!:grinning::grin:


How neat!


Wow! If I had a baby, I’d be willing to travel for that opportunity lol Too bad I’m not having kids for a bit :rofl:


I can’t wait to see the results. Please pick some babies with round faces and chubby cheeks. Hardly see those.


Am I missing something? All I’m seeing is an opportunity for a free photo shoot. I don’t see anything about it being made into realborn kit.

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I don’t even see that, for me it just shows a link to examples of their photography. How odd.

This a really good thing that Bountiful baby is doing this for other families to volunteer to put their beautiful babies out in the realborn world because most of the other realborns and the real babies are from the Bountiful baby workers kids and Denise and Nevin Pratt grand kids. So I think this was really nice of them!:blush:


Did you click the link on their homepage at the bottom? It says “Click Here to submit your newborn for a free photography session!

Once you click it the form opens

Well…YOU have to pay your way to Utah…so that THEY can do a photoshoot of your baby…so that IF your baby is chosen…THEY can turn it into a RealBorn and THEY will profit from all sales…
looks like all YOU get is a free photoshoot…worth a couple hundred bucks…if that…hmmmmmm??? :roll_eyes:


While that is true it would still be a very neat experience to have a kit of your child made. Personally I would have a 5-6 hour drive and that is it… so the price would even out.

If you have to travel far it wouldn’t though.


I would love to have that perfect kit match for my baby. It would be well worth the trip. :heart:


I clicked on that and it didn’t open. Makes me wish I had a newborn.

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What’s odd is that there’s one line that says the baby will be made into a realborn kit and the rest just talks about a photography session. They even say they’ll choose several babies.
Makes me wonder if that line is a mistake.

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Maybe @bbsupport, @bountifulbaby can help us out with the details :slight_smile:


Lesser…this might be a good time to work on number 6???

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If my six year old would sit still for a moment I would totally have him photographed and made into a child sculpt…how cool and creepy would that be?


Hahaha! This factory is closed

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Imagine if they were making realborns early you could have dominated the gallery with your babies!

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