Some feedback please?

You did this kit great justice. Your hair is wonderfully done and she’s the best Celeste I’ve seen.


Haha that did make me laugh :joy::joy:


That’s very kind of you to say, I keep hoping she will grow on me but I have now renamed her ugly Betty :joy:


I think you did great and kudos to you for choosing such an ugly, challenging sculpt!


Yelena… I adore you. :joy::joy::joy::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Truth and nothing but the truth from me :wink: :kissing_heart: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


God bless you always. :heart:


Haha thanks, next time I think I need a challenge I’m going to slap my face to knock some sense into myself :joy:


Call me a weirdo but I actually think Celeste is kind of cute. I don’t really like the shape of her bottom lip.

I think your lips are a little too dark and you could put a bit of whitish colour maybe flesh 08 or something dabbed on her tongue to give it some colour variation. I would also bring the hairline down more so she doesn’t look bald when looking at her front the front. I think hair from the front view will balance out the colour on her face more. She’s a hard one to do but you are doing great


Thank you, I’m working on her tongue to try to lighten it a bit, I did wonder about her hair line being too high but was loosing patience with her hair so stopped but I will take a deep breath and try to bring it down lower.
I figured if I dress her in something beautiful it may disguise her uglyness :joy::joy:


Definitely looks like a tough one! Was this kit based off an actual child?

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She does!

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I don’t think so. I hope not. When I did Celeste I dremeled off about half of her lower lip. It helped.
If you search for Celeste Challenge Poll you can see all the different versions of her that were entered in the challenge in 2015. Beautiful clothes didn’t help much. The lips on #25 minimize the lower lip.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Amanda, you are a weirdo (per request! :wink: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:)
It’s two contradictory statements! The bottom lip is exactly what makes that kit ugly :upside_down_face: :laughing:


I think some of the ones that had opened the eyes up a little and/or added spit bubbles gave a nice distraction to the face.

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Just had a look through the Celeste challenge, made me feel better cause they are all ugly, well painted but still ugly :joy:


I’m not confident enough to open it’s eyes, I would end up slicing half her head off and spit bubbles?? Wouldn’t even know how


I have seen a few posts on bubble making on this forum somewhere…I think that may have just been a trend and certainly not common?
Some were actually hollow bubbles and others made of glass so they never pop or deflate. There’s bubble making fluid on some of the doll supply sites. I know those aren’t convenient for you, Jaclyn.
For obvious reasons I should remind people that I don’t reborn…
But it seems if one wanted to open the eyes on a sculpt, they’d probably want to try it out first on a test head to get a feel for it, then you wouldn’t be cutting into something that you’re invested in.
I don’t know enough about putting in eyes to even have a clue how that would be done with a sculpt that wasn’t originally intended to have eyeballs. :scream_cat:


She does look just fine with her mouth obscured in photos. Lol

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