Sold my first baby!

I’m so excited, I sold my Clyde Awake! He’s the first one I sold! He sold on eBay at the last minute. Now I’m nervous about getting him packed up and shipped off. I hope his new mommy likes him!


CONGRATULATIONS! Isn’t it exciting to sell your first one?

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Congratulations !

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Congratulations on the sale!!

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Congratulations! His mommy will love him.

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congratulations on the sale

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Congratulations on your sale!! I’m sure she will love him. He looks awesome. :blush:

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Thanks everyone! He’s all packed up and ready to mail on Monday!

It’ll be a small box opening, but I tried to make it pretty! (Just realized I didn’t fill in the birth certificate! Good thing I haven’t taped up the box yet lol)



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Congrats !!!

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Congratulations, she will love him he is beautiful!

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