Sold my Charles

So I sold my Charles. I want some of you to play along with me on this I do have my reasons I’ll share later. How much would you have charged for this baby?


He is beautiful! I love his hair. I sale most of the realborn sculpts I make for $300 shipped. Some I charge less and some a tad more just depends how well I like them myself haha.


Between $250 - $300… but I tend to price low.


So 270 wasn’t HI? Thanks ladies I admire you both and respect your advice.


No I don’t think so. Like I said that’s about my average. Limited editions I do around 400 unless they are rare sold out kits that I paid a small fortune for haha.


I would sell for between $325-$350.


He’s beautiful congrats on the sale! 275


Congratulations on your sale!

I sell realborns in the 300 -400 range, but mine have painted hair, so I keep price lower because of that.

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I haven’t been listing any for sale however when I am out and people are holding and cooing over a baby of mine and ask how much would I take for him my offer is way off lol .
Any that are not my personal favorites like for instance my Ana I tell them $175 and they give her back real fast as if she has to have a diaper change :smile: of course they do ask for my information to get back with me and don’t lol


I don’t normally sell my dolls I give them away. My granddaughters Christmas presents, etc. This doll was sold to help raise money for my young friend that is adopting a real baby after trying for 7 years. They found out in July that they needed 15,000$. They are the best kindest most Christian couple. They work to help troubled youth, he a youth minister and she a counselor. Money earned for a very good cause.


I do end up lowering the price if they sit for sale awhile but I also do free shipping and can’t lower to far. I hate flat rate boxes so my shipping price is always higher than what the customer thinks it costs. Except to Utah… lol. I love shipping to Utah it is a lot lower than the price of everywhere else for me. lol
I think it is just sticker shock to people not familiar with reborns. Once they look into they would realize it is actually a cheap price.
Heck the other day someone on facebook was asking if they paid to much for a reborn that had flaws. She paid $200. Yes there was flaws that were not disclosed… it was bought for her young child…
Anyways some people were telling her it was way to much. I told her it wasn’t bad considering the kit cost.
Someone then tried saying that NO kits cost $100 and they thought I was crazy. So I linked the 2 places I found the kit available at… one was $99.90, the other was $115! So depending on where it was bought the artist barely made a profit even though it had booboos. And it had a belly plate…
Point being some people, even those that know about reborns have no clue what goes into it. Evidently the one lady only knew of BB’s sale kits… Seems how $100 is kinda an average price for non-BB kits.


Exactly why in spite of everyone telling me to start selling mine I resist unless someone ask me if they can buy one lol .
I am not good at selling anything , the business end of this hobby is just not anything I would come out ahead or even in for that matter :smile:


I completely understand.

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I know it cost me 100$ at least. To do the kit only costing 60 but there is the stuffing the body the hair that was heavy rooted with quality mohair, the clothes(I do good on that)the hours and hours of time. So made to feel like 270$ that I let it go for was expensive was kind of upsetting. I knew you all would understand my pain.