So many Realborns comming out!

I wish we could see behind the scenes setup photos. It’s really difficult to imagine how this is done. A cute pic of your desk with some hidden WIPS :wink:


I’ll see what sneak peeks I can show everyone:)


this is one of my windows that has quotes from The Office, just something I add to anytime things get a little slow at work


Hahahaha the post it’s are cracking me up!!!

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I may have to start watching the office. My kids weee telling me about it and started watching the UK version apparently and was S O C O N F U S E D


Hahaha, I love that! I often listen to The Office when I’m painting:)

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It is very funny:) I’ll add too it more through out the year

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I do this when I’m drawing or doing housework:) And everyone now and then I sit down and watch my favorite episodes, which is basically all of them!

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It’s definitely a binge-worthy T.V show, and the US version has more episodes and very hilarious!

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Good day,
They remind me of a book I used to have by the brilliant Ashleigh Brilliant
Called “ I may not be perfect but parts of me are excellent”

I loved that book!!!
Here’s his website if anyone else remembers him or if this is an introduction to him— but your post it’s reminded me of these!

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I don’t have any WIP that haven’t been announced yet that I would like to show, BUT! For the open hand on the realborn Leilani kit, here are some before and after shots of that hand up close! It took a lot of work and its something I’m proud it turned out good:)




Wow amazing how deep those folds are!
Such delicate detail

Soooo I was thinking about you today and was wondering in the doll world if you would be considered a sculptor of reborns because of all the finishing work that you do on each realborn. I would say yes and if that’s the case you are right up there in the top producing kit sculptors. I’m pretty new to the art so I’m not up on how many kits are produced by each sculptor like Donna Rubert, Bonnie Brown etc


Wow! Just wow… I’m thinking you are enjoying this just a little bit lol.

Soooo take pictures but save them for when they are announced :heart_eyes: I’m thinking we love seeing WIP pictures even if they are old :wink: would be great to see them.

If you couldn’t tell I’m a sculptor of sorts myself :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Chipping away at your resolve mwuah ha ha ha :innocent:


This is incredible to see thank you for sharing. Are they made of clay? They look like clay!

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This one :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


That’s awesome! I had to reply with an Office meme so I googled ‘The Office’ and ‘babies’, and this is what I found. :joy:

Oh, and I love the hands for the Leilani kit!!


Thank you that’s sweet and made me smile:) the technical term is 3D artist, but it is sculpting. it’s not as easy as most people might think, there is still a lot that has to be put into the realborns after I scan them.

sculpting with clay is very hard, not my favorite but I have done it for things other than work at BB. The artists like Bonnie Brown, Donna Rupbert, Aleina , Denise, that have created babies with Clay have so much skill and patience :grin:


It’s virtual clay, if that makes sense.

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Jacqueline is always so amazing! I love her Martin :heart_eyes: