OK, here’s my attempt to show you Tayla, my "firstborn:"
Well, thank you ladies! It was a fierce and mighty struggle with Photobucket, so I’m glad it worked! Yeah, the little guy is crying for a diaper change or something! Oh…sorry, it was just gas! Rhonda
Well what cute lil tooter !!
that baby just needs to be cuddled nice job!!!
thank you so much…I was nervous putting my first baby up on the board, but proud of myself at the same time. I know each one will get better, and I’ve learned, and continue to learn so much from all the lovingly given advice and support. Rhonda
You very well should be proud of yourself you did a great job nevermind for your first! =)
Rhonda, you did a FABULOUS JOB for your very first baby! I am very proud of you! His coloring looks really good from what I can see. Way to go! My very first baby ended up in the trash can, too pitiful to even take a picture of.
Thank you so much for your kind encouraging words; you wouldn’t believe how relieved I feel! A few times I wanted to chuck him out the window, but felt bad because it IS February after all! The next thing I have to figure out is how to take better pictures so it’s not so blurry…I prefer the stone age cameras with film! Rhonda