So excited! Mousie!

You guys! I just ordered my first non-BB kits! I feel like a big girl now :joy:

Thanks to those who mentioned the sale at Irresistables. :heart: I got Mouse Awake (with mascot!) by Sylvia Manning and Yona by Christa Gotzen. Both LE, and both on sale!! I’m patting myself on the back for resisting all those Realborns on Halloween.

Mouse is one I’ve wanted for a while. Have any of you done the mascot? Is it able to be rooted? One of my mohair suppliers gave me this really cool, long guinea pig hair that I’d love to try on it.

I debated about Yona because I’ve always wanted Twin B. But I figured B is not a LE and Yona is. So…I’ll rationalize another purchase later. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Pics from Pinterest, not mine:


Congrats on snagging them up.

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This is the weird guinea pig hair. It’s possibly the softest thing I’ve ever felt- but not sure it would be right for reborn hair, and I’m not sure whether I could dye it. Just right for a mouse!


Hooray, good for you! Can’t wait to see what you do with them :blush:

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That is awesome! I love Mouse Awake! Can’t wait to see what you do with them!

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That’s awesome!! When I first started buying kits I didn’t even know about Bountiful Baby kits. So I now have a handful that are going to wait to be painted until I gain more experience…

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Beautiful!! Love her complexion. :slight_smile:

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Awesome congrats!

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Guinea pig hair makes me itch. It might pose an allergy risk for some of your customers. I know for a fact we had 5 guinea pigs over time and I was very allergic to them though I loved how cute they were. Keep that in mind because so many people are allergic. Ask your customers first if they have allergies.

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I have Mouse Awake in my stash, too (with mascot) and I am dreading doing the mascot. lol Can’t wait to see yours completed.

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Thanks, @SnuggleBabiesNursery! Definitely something to keep in mind. I’m not really selling my dolls though, just fancy mohair :wink:

But you never know what tomorrow might bring!

Congratulations on your new bebes :blush:

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Congratulations on your new babies! And I’m proud of you for resisting the Halloween sale, because I couldn’t… :joy:

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I love how soft some guinea pigs are. They have the sweetest personalities too.

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They are HERE! Wow-- Irresistables is on par with BB for shipping speed! Also got Jacky’s rooting DVD. So much for cleaning my house today :joy:

I’m glad I can share my outrageous excitement here. Other people just don’t understand…:stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: