Her head needs attaching after glues good and dry but just couldnt wait to show
her.Seems like iworked on her forever!


She looks cute!

Sadly she doest take a good photo for some reason … well could be my camera abilities.

I so need me a Morgan some day she is adorable!

She’s beautiful!!! I love her lips :blush:

She’s so pretty! I love Morgan. I’m working on her right now, too.

Luv cant wait to see your version.Mine has the brown eyes think it really changes her look fron the prototype…
I do li ke her face in person a lot and she has a face i can really see as a boy!


I am in the process of rooting. Once I get her done, I will send you a picture. I’m excited to see her, too. She is a special gift.

Cant wait!

Thanks Michelle

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She is so precious!

Well thanks.Im not happy about her body Her legs look too short and body too long

You should add a few more pictures to her listing on Reborns.

I think she looks very cute.

all of a sudden last few days BB forum says my photos are too large! i didnt change a thing!! all from my phone been trying to upload one for 3 days !

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