Skin texture rough on reborn

How do I fix rough feeling on reborn just finished painting have not put together. Thank you

Does it feel rough after painting or after you did the varnish?

After the varnish, she is ready to put together. Thank you for replying

After the varnish and baking ,ready to put together thank you for replying.

Did you bake it and cool it 3 times?

Yes. I watch the video of Deneise Pratt i started reborning in January, first time I had a rough texture, thank you for replying. Sharon

For me slightly rough texture usually wears out after several close changes for a photoshoot.
You can try this - recipe used and loved by many RA on this forum (sorry, I don’t remember whom we should thank for it).


You can use my formula above for air dry sealer over the Genesis Matte Varnish to smooth it some. When I have been sealing with Genesis for customers who prefer that varnish sometimes it feels rough to me too. When this happens I take some odorless thinner on a rag and rub it vigorously all over the parts. Let the thinner flash off and then bake the parts 1 or 2 more times. This usually helps for me.


@anjsmiles Sorry not giving credit to you, Angie. I’ll try to remember from now on.


Thank you so much, will try this , reborned Landon , his skin texture was smooth, then did a Punkin and the shin was rough, will try this recipe. Learning all I can about reborning in my golden years and loving it… Sharon. Will try going over ,the doll with thinner and rebake thank you again

I also like to mix some Diatomaceous Earth in with the Corn starch now. I think adding it in gives an even more matte finish than corn starch alone.