Silicone Presley

Has anyone else bought him? I just got my kit and his limbs are two different colors and two different levels of softness. I messaged BB and am awaiting a reply, but I was curious if anyone else had this issue.

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UGH! That is a problem…do you think the limbs are from another kit?


They’re the correct limbs, but I think they were poured in two different batches


I got him a few weeks ago, I’ll check. I didn’t notice.

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I appreciate it, thank you!

I got one and the limbs are the same color & firmness as each other and the rest of the kit.
(Im new to silicones & may be not as observant as more experienced artists tho- but mine seems uniform in color & softness)

I don’t notice a difference in the way they all feel but it looks like the right arm is a tiny bit more of a neutral color than the other, hardly noticeable though. I wonder what could be causing that in the one you got :thinking:

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The color difference in mine isn’t huge, but the softness was pretty noticeable right off. Like I said, it seems like the limbs are from two different pours, and my concern is the limbs will drape differently, or a customer will notice. I also don’t want to deal with color matching, and don’t feel I should have to. So far, they have not messaged me back.

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Well, I hope they message you back soon and can correct the problem!

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Me too!