Silicone paints/tutorials

Felicity in silicone is calling to me! I would love to get her as a birthday gift to myself. I have never painted silicone. So, I was wondering if anyone can recommend a paint set or tutorial that will be best for a newbie? I was looking at The Dainty Loft one offered at Mac’s. Thoughts?


I think they have a starter set of silicone paints and a practice face that is cost effective to start.


I bought psycho paint silicone part A and B, silc pig pigments, and novocs gloss for about $90 and shipping
It comes with more silicone and color than the kits they sell but you would have to mix your own colors.
There is a very simple to follow series of videos on YouTube! I can’t think of the name right now but I’m sure you will find it if you search!


Do you have to paint silicon kit with the same silicon it was poured in ?

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@robyn No you do not.


I’m loving all this good info. Now that they are being offered maybe I’ll take the leap someday soon.

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Biggest tip I can give you all is to realize you are not painting the same way you do with Genesis and you should not thin your silicone paints down the way you do with Genesis. Overly thinned paint will have adhesion problems. You can use a little NOVOCS or OSS thinner to thin your silicone paint but the closest to pure Part A+B you can keep your color mix the better. It takes practice but I assure you it can be done and it will save you a lot of issues later on. I also learned to mix up my color pallet first then paint. Mix colors you want to use into Part B and put in little paint pots with lids and set aside. Then when you start the baby you have plenty of color match to work in sections without having to remix color and hope you get the mix the same. You just add your Part A to your own premixed colors as you use some.


Any idea in those tutorials? I’d love to see if it’s as much work as I think LOL. Right now I’m on the fence wanting to do it but the other side I’m thinking of trying to find a pet free zone I could squirrel away in.

My big fear is having to use the paint mixture so quickly :flushed: