Silicone now I am going to be really really broke

I have been on a dolly break for about a month.

I just needed to funnel all my energy into the things that feed and nurture all the parts of me like my kid, my garden, my house, my spiritual self. I have been neglecting all of it (and not really paying attention) since shut down, I have been in stressed out survival mode and just calling it “New Normal”.

I went to the dentist and she let me know I have been grinding my teeth, that has never been a problem for me but it made me realize how I have been processing the last two years, and haven’t we all in our own ways. I haven’t been eating like I should, moving my body, taking time to do good self care (as women we don’t anyway but seriously I look like I live in a cave).

I think it is easy to escape (in good ways) and get distracted with work, I think it gives you a sense of control in some strange way. I also think that it can be harmful if you are not balancing your life the best you can, and I have not been.

I had to just shut down my studio, get outdoors, take a trip with my little in our car, see things outside our bubble. I had to shut down the screens, the email, and just sit by water and just “be” for a little bit.

Mostly I slept a little more, baked, read a book, cleaned my house, planted things in my garden, where I live it is time for putting in peppers, basil, tomatoes… I also did some budgeting (sigh).

It was nice, I am grateful I could do it, not everyone can.

I got my kid registered for regular people school, we are both a little anxious, we are going to miss the freedom of homeschool and being near each other all day. He starts on Wednesday and I realized he has no clothes to wear. He grew a couple inches and he has been living in sweat pants, t-shirts and soccer slides. He doesn’t have a lunch pail or a backpack…school supplies. We had to run out and find what we could this time of year. All that for six weeks of school. I think it will be worth it for him, he misses his people so much.

When he is back to it, I will get back to it and start painting again. I just checked out BB’s silicones. They are priced super well. My goodness that is kinda cool, was not expecting that at all. Don’t ask me what I paid over at another website, Lordy I could have gotten a facelift. I am so worried I will fall down the silicone rabbit hole and then I won’t be able to send this baby to college!

I really hope spring means good things are growing and blooming everywhere and things are going to continue to get better, that the hard times will be behind us soon, that we will all experience good health, peace in our countries and we can resume, this time showing up much better humans.

Happy spring.


I only wish spring was here…she is teasing us with a day or 2 here and there above 70…and then BAM…we have days like today…rainy…windy and 40 stinkin degrees.

The grass still grows though…and i do not like mowing in my snowpants and toboggan :rofl:

I cant wait to see what you don with silicone. I am an old dog…never mind about “cant teach new tricks”.

I just dont want to learn any :wink:

I have never even been tempted with silicone…looks too hard and i live in a dusty 70 year old house…i think my silicone would end up being a hairy little thing!! :joy:

I hope E has the best time ever in these last 6 weeks of school!!!

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Off and on Spring here in Missouri one day 75 next in the 40’s.

Hubby and I are on a nice little getaway right now to a place in Missouri called Branson.

I know what you mean about going broke with this hobby and I am really tempted by the silicone’s but I am still afraid sometimes just to paint expensive regular kits LOL. So for now I am leaving the silicon to the experts.

Everything is getting nice and green and I am busting to get some flowers planted in the flower boxes in front of my house.

I hope your son enjoys going back to school I know if all of this had gone on when I was a kid I would have been excited to get back to it.