Silicone darren scam

A friends customer said she believes shes been scammed it was the silicone darren baby for 450.00 the lady said she wanted her to pay with gift card she did 550.00 tracking was GPAL064574996TX she said it was a globa pet logisties her name is
Bobbie barkers reborn nursery shes on Facebook too said she chat with her anyway she hasn’t got the baby you think her page was stolen shes on reborns dot com the customer very upset

Hes a cute baby all i can think of maybe someone stole her page

Maybe her listing got stolen and she doesn’t even know it. Has anyone contacted the artist on reborns?


no not as i know of heres the listing

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Thats where she brought from only way she could send to me to you

That’s not her site. I looked up her fb site using the link on her reborns page and found the original baby on the fb page. It was 1500.00 and sold five months ago.

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Here is the Original fb listing.

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Yes thats the pictures my friend sent the original page

I wish them scammers go away


Me too. But the website you showed, the one with the red ad, is not the artist’s site. There are a couple of other artists they stole pics from.

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Its just sad my friend told her customer it was a scam if they want a gift card she wouldn’t listen people keep buying they will never go away

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:frowning: and they will always find new ways to get what they want…

Yes they will

Im so sorry that happened.

Just for reference. Never pay with a gift card. That is scammer payment.


She should have the receipts tell her to report them stolen immediately.

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anything paid in gift card is a scam. so so sad that now dose scammers targeting our sites.
I just watched lots of YouTube videos of romance scam and this people will never stop until they still find someone who is willing ot send gift cards


Bobbie barker she didnt scam anyone her pics was stolen and they created the fake page my friend found out

Hello yes I am the real Bobbie Barker. The photo of my Darren were stolen and my name to scam . I actually sold that baby a long time ago…


My friend was telling me i hate them scammers i tell my customers if it sounds to good to be true it is .your darren is adorable hes a adorable kit

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