Should i keep or strip?

Hi, im debating on whether i should keep going with this one or strip? Not too sure. Its my first one

I would consider this one and the next few practice. Sell them as booboo babies. As mentioned before first babies are typically practice dolls. There are plenty who would buy this baby at a booboo price

I would strip. I had to do that with Quinnlyn a couple months ago. Sometimes it’s easier and will actually make you feel better (although still irritated) if you strip and start over. 90% of the time, you’ll end up with a better result.



Strip. :slight_smile: Then use extremely sheer layers. You think you’re not getting any color at first…you are. Build build build and blend. Show us your progress!

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I agree. Strip the kit, start with a blank canvas. Use thin paint, almost like watercolor. You definitely want to be able to see through your paint to the pallet it’s in.

Think of it like apple juice compared to orange juice. You want to be able to see through it.

Be prepared to be patient though. Every layer you put on will feel like it’s not making much of a change in the color. The change is gradual though, and the end result will be worth it.


In that lighting I can see it is a lot thicker painted than I thought from your other photos. Yes, I would strip and try again. Chin up though you will get there!