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I bet a few of you have done what I just did. And this was with a note pad with all I needed for my Jesse kit sitting next to me. I ordered her plugs, ring, body, eyes, mohair, and NOT her glass beads. geesh I went over it and this is a custom order so the money was put in my paypal. There is now enough to order her glass beads to weight the body but I will now be out of pocket on the shipping. lol No biggie but man where is my brain ?? Thankful the shipping is not too high. So, have you ever clicked the final pay now and as soon as it says your order number realize you for got a very important must have item?


I do that with a lot of things. I also skip items on my grocery list all the time even though I review it before checking out. I blame it on a busy life and equally busy mind. Lots going on and some things become casualties. Sometimes I number the amount of things I need so I can do a quick count and know I’ve forgotten something if I come up short. Not perfect but works, I wish I knew a better way to deal with it though.


Oh it gets better, I was having the customer deciding on the exact hair color and I clicked 18mm eyes for Jesse, I need 20mm eyes. So, I will be ordering more eyes also, and they are brown. I never use brown eyes on a new born reborn.

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You could always sell the brown eyes here…


Yes I have, several times. Always seem to forget something.

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:slight_smile: I figured I may just give them away on here. I will see when they arrive.

I’ve done that, too! Very frustrating.

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If you placed both orders a few minutes apart then bb will probably just ship it all together and refund you the 2nd shipping charge

I do that all the time. I can’t even figure out how it happens. And it’s always a key ingredient that I need for a recipe or something…sheesh.

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Yes! I don’t know why it is always a vital ingredient but it is!

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I just ordered my glass beads for Jesse kit and her 20 mm eyes. :smile: Now she will be done on time and shipped off to Texas for a March sweet 16 birthday bash.

It’s a great time to order glass beads for weighting since BB still has the flat rate shipping for one order. I ordered several pounds and saved a bunch!

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Denise…I do that with almost every order I put in even though I have a list also!! So frustrating!!! :confounded:

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