Shirley Temple doll **Updated**

These are the dimples I made with my dremel. For Shirley Temple you’d need a different bit because she has larger dimples.


OMgosh that’s cute! I love how that turned out. I’m collecting photos of Shirley to study. Luckily I have a dremel with a variety of bits but it kinda shakes around which scares me. My husband could do it for me tho.

Yes, her dimples are under the corners of her lips rather than the middle of her cheeks.

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Have you picked your sculpt yet? I’m dying to know what one you choose! The one I suggested is expensive, but she is a full bodied toddler. Very unique! I opened eyes, but I think I would be scared to add dimples to an expensive kit unless I practiced for awhile first.


Hi All! I made a Shirley Temple from the Taylor BB kit (what Pia mentioned) and forced dimples while the vinyl was hot from the oven, using my finger tips and a pencil eraser, after every bake. I wasn’t able to place them in the spot that I would have liked and made do as the area had to be more pliable and a thinner pour of the vinyl. The dimples you created using a dremel are wonderful, Jeanhai, and if I had been able to trust myself, I would have tried that. Depending on the size of the doll you want to create, there are are some great toddler sculpts available. Off hand I think of Jette Swialkowski, Tifany Lippl, and Katie Marie Timmerman. The brunette is from quite a while ago, a Middleton doll I purchased used and painted with acrylics. Juan was mentioned, he has fab dimples. And Apple Valley doll kits have some of the BEST facial expressions:

Jean, could you, would you possibly make a video tutorial how to use the dremel? I once tried to make some alterations on Stinker and… well… ummm, no… just no. shiver


Nope I’m still going crazy trying to decide and looking at photos and scratching my head! I will let you know when I decide for sure though :smile:


Kitten might work but look at Samantha and picture her with ringlets and dimples. You could cut off those 2 little teeth and add larger ones on top. Can you see it?

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Oh my I would be afraid to do it. Couldn’t muster up the courage to open eyes!! With my luck I oils drill right they that pretty face! Heaven forbid that would happen!:confounded:

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Darn spell check, meant drill right thru her pretty face. Ugh!!

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You could use the press method to make the dimples.

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These pics really remind me of the Lily Beth kit by Ann Timmerman. What do you guys think of my choice? I don’t mind waiting…but I’m also still agonizing over Tiffany Lippl…not sure about her smile though…

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Tiffany with dimples and ringlets would look a lot like her.

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She is a beautiful sculpt but some angles make her smile look so awkward that I’m still thinking…


Katie Marie has about the most natural smile I’ve ever seen on a toddler kit!


This is Taylor by BB that Bonnie made long ago. I had hoped she would post a photo, but I found my own.


Oh wow! That’s so cute… Love the outfits! I am just agonizing over this…Part of me wonders if I’m worthy to reborn a $200 kit like Tiffany Lippl. I wonder how bad my husband would kill me :stuck_out_tongue:


He can only kill you once and you’d die happy! lol


Just to update everyone, I thank you all for helping me decide which kit to choose for my Shirley Temple doll!
After days of agonizing,because I really want this to turn out great, I have decided on Katie-Marie by Ann Timmerman and have ordered the kit! I really love her smile. It’s one of the most natural I’ve seen for a toddler kit. I believe her face shape will do nicely and will look cute if I add dimples. I’m really nervous about working on such a nice kit, and if my mother were still with me, I know she would enjoy the whole reborning process with me, following me around and peeking over my shoulder and making funny comments while sipping on Coors beer :smile: Can you tell I miss her?