Has anyone else noticed that BB increased their shipping rates to $16.95? I went on to buy a body and was shocked. I know it’s only a $2 increase but it seems way too high, especially on items that weigh maybe an ounce tops.
I agree. It’s great if you have a large order or something heavy like weighting beads. Not so much when you only need eyes or eyelashes. I wish they’d use small padded envelopes for the little stuff or a single body. They could still charge a flat rate for those.
I haven’t been able to order in awhile but thank for head up I try and order at least 1-2 kits to make shipping worth it when I can.
Somtimes I just need cables or lashes but don’t buy because you buy on sale and the shipping is more than the items you need. Most times for small items it doubles the sale price and it isn’t a sale then.