She Needs a Name! 🤔

This is my newest little for my personal collection and actually the only doll in my personal collection at the moment.

She was beautifully created by Michelle Kight of Michelle’s Country Cradle.

I love her soooo much and don’t plan to part with her…ever haha. I am torn on what to name her! She is so perfect to me and the name needs to be just right!

I have no idea what to name her so some suggestions would really help!!!

I’m thinking, earthy names, beachy names, very very unique names, perhaps old timey names.

Here are some pics to help you help me! :joy:

Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Thank you all!!!


She’s beautiful. CeCe Michelle would honor her artist. (CeCe for Country Cradle)


Josephine, Rosemary, Lucinda, Hattie, Iris, Elsbeth


Zoe (means life)

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She’s beautiful! :heart: Scarlett, Isla, Rosie.

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She is gorgeous! I like choosing baby names :slight_smile:
For earthy names: Gemma, Juniper, Laurel, Opal, Pearl, Meadow, Willow
For beachy names: Ariel, Summer, Oceana, Sandy
Old time names: Adelaide, Agnes, Annabelle, Bernadette, Clementine, Hazel
Just some of my ideas!


Penelope or calliope are 2 hat came to my mind.

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She looks like a Cynthia or Genevieve to me.

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Sailor Dawn

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Blanche, Piper, Marina, Maribel, Harbour, Haven

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Brook, Lark, Sparrow, Violet, Maple, Autumn, Skye

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She is beautiful. Names: Ainsley, Eartha, Merielle

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She is very beautiful!

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Bryna Blossom,Coral,Willow and Starling Have fun. :thinking:

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Thank you all for the name suggestions so far! There are so many pretty names but I am just so picky with this babe :see_no_evil:

I see a few people have suggested Piper, which is one of my favorite names! However, I already used that name for my Sue sue :sweat_smile:

@Katinafleming That’s such a sweet concept! I love it.

@katieperry Oooh I love Violet, Maple and Skye!

@jeanhai Cynthia is pretty! It has me thinking about the name Lydia which is also very pretty. :thinking:

@Bec1273 I love the name Penelope but I have already used it for a different baby :persevere:

@rebornmommysince2013 I love all of those names! Especially Juniper, but I have that name saved as a middle name for a future baby. I guess I could still consider it as a first name for another baby too.

I’m still unsure on what to name her. But this is definitely helping me in a direction!


She is absolutely gorgeous! Congratulations!
I would call her Sasha (it’s a baby name for full Aleksandra in Russian for a boy or a girl).

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Thank you! Aw, that’s a cute name :heart_eyes:

I think I have figured out a first name! (I like my dolls to have a first and middle name but I haven’t figured out a middle name quite yet lol) It’s very unique.

I’m thinking Xanthippe and call her Xanthe (Zan-Thip-ee/Zan-th). The meaning of the name Xanthippe isn’t anything beautiful :joy: but I think the name sounds pretty. Plus I would call her Xanthe most of the time :wink:

I also plan on sometime soon, getting a few other dolls too and naming them Poppy and Victoria, I think all of those names would work really well together, Xanthippe, Poppy and Victoria.

I guess I’m still unsure but I do like this name!

Thank you all for the help! :two_hearts::two_hearts:


If you ever want to sell her I would like to see that baby in person :wink:


Xanthippe does have a nice sound to it.