Sharing my Isaac

I took him outside today , I finished him about four babies ago but didn’t get around to showing him I think the pictures came out pretty good in view of my usual photography

Hope I didn’t add too many pics but couldn’t decide which I liked better :smile: .


Aw I love him he is so precious

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So sweet :blue_heart:

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So cute

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Thanks :smile: I kind of went from dark to light on the last two i shared lol

Aaaaww, so cute.

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Thanks :smile: I liked him a lot better once I got outside with him lol my lighting is horrible indoors

he’s cute

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He is so cute!!!

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Thanks! I kind of think my picture taking would go better if I took all of them outside :smile:

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He looks so snuggly and warm.

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Yeah he had lots of sun that day :smile: didn’t even know he was sitting in a basket on the porch lol

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Isaac really needs to go on sale. I adore that face and can’t believe I have not painted him yet.

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I have been working through all my stock of kits and his turn came up that’s why I did him lol and I did get him on sale way back when :smile:

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