Sharing my 7 month june

Finally finished this little big girl! After months and months of very slow work. My real baby is 3 months old now, so hopefully I can get back into painting. It will be slow going though… and I was a slow reborner to begin with :joy:


Love the hands and feet. Creases look very realistic. Keep at it!

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What a precious little girl. She is such a darling sculpt, isn’t she? I can’t believe baby is 3 months, already?? Where does the time go? Well wishes to your family and glad to see you getting back to the hobby!! :heart:

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Her colouring is awesome!

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She has a little rooted pig tail that doesn’t really show up in the pictures.
Yes she was really fun to work on! @katieperry the time has flown by! I’m trying to savor every second with my baby before she’s off and running.

Here is the pig tail



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I Love It!!

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She is so cute! :heart_eyes:

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This picture melts my heart :two_hearts:


She is beautiful @Mommy2six. Please tell me what size she wears. I have been told anywhere from 6 months to 18 months.

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All the outfits I have for her are 6-9. Her legs are big so stretchy or loose pants are a must!

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