Sharing from facebook - fake kits

Saw this on facebook and knew you all would want to see it too!

Natalie Scholl’s kit Jayden has been replicated! She said you can tell by the double crease in the elbow

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Noo! Not Jayden! He is probably the most famous and valuable kit in the doll world and to have them replicated is so sad. :frowning:


I saw this too, just terrible.

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I don’t really use Facebook so I did not see this. Is this person trying to sell these kits on Facebook as genuine Jayden kits or trying to say he sculpted the kit and it is not Jayden?

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The sculptor of Jayden (Natalie Scholl) is saying someone stole her sculpt and replicated it and is now making vinyl kits. IT IS NOT her, and they are making money off of a stolen sculpt.

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That is a shame. I am glad to be aware of this --I knew of the kits from China that have been showing up on eBay for quite awhile, but never heard of this person. I hope that something can be done.

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Thanks for posting, Jenni! This is so sad. :confused:

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This is so sad. Is there no integrity in the world anymore???

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Such a shame that theft of these lovely sculpts is happening and people are profiting from this…smh…:frowning:

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Hate that this has happened… don’t even like to think how many people will be doped with this one…reborners and buyers! :disappointed:


Sounds like a huge need for COAs from here on out.

What about ones like BB that don’t have it? Or are they not expensive so no one cares?

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I personally think that all "genuine " kits should have them. It would add value and sentiment to all Reborns much like papers do for purebred animals.

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Of course no offense to animals who are mixed lol…just a way to carry on some genuinity and value to the babies.

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It seems to me it would be easier to make a copy of a COA than a kit.


Yeah true, they would have to be on some special paper like a check, personally signed by someone or something.

Unfortunately fakes are in all industries and often you might buy something thinking it’s the real deal but it is not. I remember reading articles way back when on how to tell real Calvin Klein from the fakes (jeans) and other things like purses… although if the person doing the dupes reads the articles, all they have to do is adapt their item to fix those mistakes and voila, it’s even harder to tell fakes from real stuff.

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I agree but I feel like it’s even worse in the reborn industry because instead of the fakes hurting huge companies like Calvin Klein it’s hurting the individual people and artists. :frowning:


Sadly, the only way to control this would be if there was not a market for it but there is…There are always the uneducated beginners, the mediocre reborn artist who will never make much money with their work so will buy cheaper kits no matter what because it is the only way they can afford to make the ‘name brand’ kits to sell and the dishonest reborn artist who doesn’t care - anything to turn an extra dollar by saving costs and still charging high prices… Buyers are mostly uneducated unless they are collectors so many would not even know or care to ask for a COA with their dolls so if there is a buyer, there is a reborner somewhere who will keep these frauds and thieves in business…Like the guy selling gold Rolex watches on the street…Many know they are stolen or not even genuine but don’t care cause the price was right and they appease their conscience with the attitude of “Well I wasn’t the one who stole it” …Hmmmmmm :frowning:


I understand what you mean, you feel it hurts the “little guy” more. But even though it is a large company now, CK is a person too and wrong is wrong. Theft of design hurts many employees when it’s a larger company. Sales go down, salaries are kept lower and people lose jobs. It’s not victimless.