Shared limbs

Quick question I’m hoping someone can answer. Do Natalie and Naomi share limbs? Would they be marked with their own name if they did? I’m trying to gather up some kits to sell, and I can find Natalie’s head, but she’s in a bag with limbs marked Naomi. I know both kits have limbs that look the same.

Yes. They’re on the BB list of kits that share limbs.


Thank you. I knew I’d get my answer here. :slight_smile:

I think the ones that share limbs have all the names on them that share or just a number.

That’s what I was thinking. I see that on a Molly kit that I have, but these limbs just say Naomi. So I’m not sure.

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Don you have two sets of Naomi limbs?

Not that I’ve found, but I’m going through four years of stashing away too many kits. Lol

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Oh jeez! Maybe you just bought a head from someone for a cuddle baby? I got frustrrtard not knowing what I had so I made a list of what I bought when from how much and from who and there is room next that for if I sold it and for how much expenses and profit. It would be a good idea to write down where I put them cause I’m missing my big Joe :woman_facepalming:t2:

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That’s a good idea. I should give it a try! :slight_smile: