Share your biggest reborn oops moments

It does look like snake skin doesn’t it?


Tsk… giiiiiirl!! I keep a notebook full of “lessons learned” :rofl: okay, but seriously everytime I paint, I screw something up :woman_facepalming::woman_shrugging:


:flushed:I’d have left my drivers license or something for that nuwave! I’ve bought 2 at garage sales - both new, one $15 & the $10 one was still in the box with an extender ring and a carry case! LOL & I USE AIR-DRY! :crazy_face:
You never know when you might need an oven, (I do use it sometimes) and you never know when that oven might go out.

I’m just saying…my name is Angela, and I’m a hoarder, but when I need something I’ve got it :crazy_face::+1::blush:


Lmao that was the best part!

And the hoarder part… yes. Me too for the most part but I’m trying to get better :disappointed:


I am the opposite of Amanda… I hate my nuwave. I would rather buy multiple off brands with the glass bowl.
I think the fumes leech out so much more in the nuwave than it does in the glass ones I have used. I had a magic chef oven for years then it stopped coming on. I then ordered the nuwave and the clear dome cracked on the second bake and grew with each bake after, even the pieces that attach the dome to the heating element broke off in chunks. ( I used it less than 10 times)… And it gave me a headache. I bought a new off brand and used it for about a year then it malfunctioned. (see above :wink: ) So I bought the nuwave a new dome in amber this time and thought maybe the cracks were making fumes worse or something… used it and hate it. It is bulky and I hate that the heating element is hooked to the dome. So it site unused on my counter…
I bought another glass bowl kind. lol

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I use air dry as well, but now that we have a whole covered porch all around our side of the second floor, thought about GHSP but didn’t wanna buy a oven …went to some thrift stores browsing around the new area and found 3 brand new in boxes total at two different stores, 2 for $35 and 1 for $25. Told hubby it was smacking me in the face but I still didn’t grab one lol


Was painting and had two kits on my table. Went to get up, tripped over my rug under my table…hit it, along with all my Wells and bowls of paint and splattered all over the table, the kits, the floor etc. Looked like someone tried to tie-dye the kits lol


Actually the funniest part of that story is I put the 2nd oven in the basement of the other side of my double - that I rent out - & when the guy moved in I told him I was a hoarder & his basement was mine for storage but of course he could use the washer & dryer. One day I asked him to help me move something down there & he points to that oven in the box - says he’d been poking around down there & wants to know if he could use some blinds he saw & that oven. Usually I’m very generous & he almost always gets what he wants - he is paying my mortgage. But totally without thinking or missing a beat I say “Yeah sure you can use the blinds, but you can’t use that oven, I’m saving it in case the one I’m using goes out. Those are what I use to cook my babies in.” :cricket: :cricket: the guy had no idea I was a doll artist


OMG I could totally see the look on his face! :joy::joy::joy:


I don’t have a photo but I tried to bake Madison’s head to close the holes and she fell over onto the tray and melted. I didn’t think to cover the tray with anything. Anyway I emailed BB to see if they had any spare heads, they had none but have me a 50% discount on another kit! How awesome was that! It wasn’t even the company’s fault!! That’s why I give them my business as much as I can. They have wonderful ethics and great customer service.


Im like @Maloree Im having oops moments every time I paint :wink: . I buy W&N brush cleaner in bulk and I have a special shelf in my bathroom that includes my stripping bowl and everything that I need including my gloves, Nair (just in case I was stupid enough to give them hair when I really wasnt happy yet), cotton pads, and my toothbrushes. I also have that cream cleaner that I use to wash my kits. There is someone online that I got that idea from and now that I have Sue Ellen’s patreon I see that she uses that as well.
Just the other day I dumped an entire pot of dark red panpastel mixed with colourless blender, all over the floor, thankfully my husband was home to clean it up AND, this time, I didnt get any on my babies I am working on :wink: . I also have a tendency, due to my physical limitations, to throw brushes everywhere and sometimes sling paint where I dont want it.


At first glance, I saw bacon :joy:


I swear I’m going to rename my cat Picasso or Rembrandt or some other painter. He’s always getting into my paints in some way or another :woman_facepalming:t2: When he was little he’d dip his tail in the paint tray. Now he gets on the table and dumps paint bowls on my white bedspread :weary: you would think I’d learn lol but nope


So funny, me too


I have learned never ever reborn in the middle of the night while you are sick and under the influence of medication! The next day you are like what have I done!


I burnt a kit once and it was my fault not the oven. Watch the oven carefully now.


LOL …And you still were an air dry artist! :rofl:


The hoarder runs deep in my bones - both of my parents are severe OCD. Oddly enough they are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Mom was “a place for everything & everything in it’s place”, dad’s always had stuff piled to the ceiling with barely a path to the door bed and couch. I was more like mom until about 10 years ago when I was injured & not as able to clean or work. I swear I’ll NEVER be dirty like my dad, but with it being difficult for me to clean and discard things the way I used to, I’ve come to understand my father’s mentality more than I really wanted to :roll_eyes::woman_shrugging::woman_facepalming: money is tighter, I might need that :thinking: but nobody would know I was a hoarder unless they went to “the forbidden zones” (the 2 basements) I’ve still got enough of my mom in me to maintain the illusion of orderliness :crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::joy:


Funny that describes my parents exactly and we share a house with them. The basement is stacked floor to ceiling with my moms priceless dishes and what not. But come special events or holidays we can’t use them because we can’t get to them :disappointed: I collect craft stuff and photo props so yeah there’s that


Good evening,
I sliced all the way through my doll’s eye trying to insert my first ever pair of eyes!
I tried to insert from inside the head (I use air dry) and totally mutilated the baby.
I made her a cuddle baby and used her limbs for a different doll, but yup

Lesson learned. Every time I insert eyes I get super nervous since that time so I do it right away at the start so I’m not anxious about slicing my baby’s head at the end.

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