Shading on biracial dolls?

Hi there everyone! I have a question about shading on biracial dolls. How important is shading? Can I add depth using mottling? To be honest, shading is something I struggle with. especially with the head/face. I am including some pictures of the head from different angles/sides.




Biracial means any mix of races. So it does not have to have dark shading. It can be a smooth caramel color skin, olive skinned or sallow skin. Just go with your preference.


Thanks Angie! What does sallow mean? And what about shading for a baby that is AA and Caucasian?

Check out @Jessejuice 's work. She has a tutorial on FB as well. Though I am not sure what the current price is


A yellowish complexion or darker yellowish brown.
First let me say I am not the expert. I just do what looks right to me and look at photos of other real babies.
This is a baby I did with more of a yellowish brown tone. He had purple mottling between the layers. I used darker shading in all the creases.
Felicity Realborn


I have a private group on facebook available :heart:
I walk you step by step on how I painted my Johanna. I also have a picture tutorial on Manuela posted. It’s still a work in progress.
It’s $230 to join :relaxed: payment plan available. No time limit and you can follow at your own pace.


In my opinion dolls with any tone darker than tan look kind of flat without shading. With the darkness of the skin, the mottling isn’t as visible.


Thanks everyone for your responses :slight_smile: Does anyone have any suggestions on what color I should use for shading?

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Worth every penny. I loved this tutorial!

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This is what I use


That’s cool! I’m going to save this if you don’t mind :grin:

This is great! Where the marks are, is that the areas you shade? And are those the colors you use for shading?

It looks like the brown is shading, the yellow is highlights, and the pink is blushing…

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I feel like the shading color is definitely based off of the colors you used for the baby. I’ve definitely made the mistake of ending up with cool toned shading on a warm toned baby, didn’t look good at all :sweat_smile:

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What color would you recommend? I used Waterborne Dark Flesh color for the base skin tone.

I only use genesis, and I’m definitely not an expert at painting, but I take whatever mix I used for the base color and darken it with a tiny bit of mars black.

Again, please take my advice with a grain of salt, so many ladies here are far more experienced than me

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Thanks love! :relaxed:🫶🏻

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