Selling reborn .Would you sell her with a beautiful high quality outfit or average?

I want to try my first sale doll and found this gorgeous outfit though slightly large A 12 month.Libby is 23 inches long or better to go with less expensive outfits Sell higher quality separately. .I got a very good deal on this outfit .Here she is in it maybe you can advise

Also is it tacky to sebd used outfits with the doll if they are cute ones and lastly this dress is skeeveless what would you use under it if dolly has 3/4 armsUploading…


I send only new outfits. They are usually mid-range in price. Sometimes I buy a special outfit just for a certain doll and then I send that one. But usually I save the wonderful, slightly used, Good-will or garage sale type finds for photo shoots. I have some lovely photoshoot outfits that are missing a button or whatever, but no one can tell in a photo. I usually ship my dolls in jammies that cover them up to prevent scratches. I always include something dressy with my girls and my boys ususally have at least one set of overalls or dress clothes…something like that. I also include combs and brushes with my rooted dolls. These come form the dollar store and I buy them in big batches. I always include onesies and diapers. Oh, and a paci of course…


Thank you good idea ! use the used for photo shoots It does seem kinda tacky to me even if cute.
I just had the thought i could add more if slightly used. vut thought it might tick a buyer off just the fact not brand new…
Jammies great idea for shipping!
I didnt put a magnet in her mouth. so i guess no passy. .
i need some pretty blanket or material to do a photo shoot.I took a few photos
im not sure how good .Theyll go in the next post for critque on that. .
This nice outfit doesnt seem used at all by looking at it.If a baby was in it it must have been just for a photo!
!Its linen with embroidery all over Easter outfit im guessing .

Can you tell i fell in love with this outfit? lol


I some times use used dresses if they are vintage or high priced dresses such as Baby Biscotti or Feltman Brothers. They have to be in excellent used condition and I state that they are vintage. Some very nice outfits have only been worn once or not at all and when new they are quite expensive.


I usually use new clothing that I find at bargain prices for my dolls, but occasionally have use a really nice vintage outfit. When I do use a vintage outfit, I will mark it as vintage never used or gently used, and always send new outfits with it also. If you use a sleeveless dress over a 3/4 arm body, use a sweater or shrug to go over it. Then the coat on top.


I agree about the vintage outfits, but list them as vintage and “lightly used”. I am really careful to be very upfront with my customers.


I only take pictures Whit the clothes I’m sending to avoid getting complains from people that don t read, but I’m new at this.


I do the same as Sonja send several new outfits, new blanket,paci on occasion send shoes and some new without tag or like new.

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I also only take photo’s of what they are coming home in. I pick up clearance clothes or sale clothes usually at Macy’s. I also do buy some designer “new clothes” on Ebay. I only include 1 outfit or pajama’s, onesie, and diaper. I also do include a brush set and I picked up little rattles from the Dollar Store!


JMO, but I think sending too many clothes is not only unnecessary it’s not very cost effective. If you are selling at a low cost then including too many extra’s just eats up what little profit you are going to make. I also think peoples taste in clothing varies so much that often times what you pick out for a baby is NOT what the new mommy would ever dress it in. Sooooo, there you go, waste of money. I think if you send your baby in some jammies, include an outfit, and the small things like brush, paci etc. that’s enough. To each their own!!

Geez, I guess it would depend on what you were selling your doll for though. If you are a lucky one that gets 5 to 7 hundred bucks, well, guess you could do a little more shopping!!


Sounds good to me Lynn !.
Oh and i just listed her .Will see how it goes.I added an extra onesy 2 pair of socks and a gently used romper because it was so cute and made a lacey bonnet. I might do a headband just to throw in Didnt spend a lot on extra clothes but still will have a change or 2.

I think for the price most folks sell for, a few items is plenty. JMO


I was starting to feel bad about my box packing because I watched a few box openings on YouTube and these ladies are sending like 15+ outfits

Right! I send three and some goodies. I hope customers don’t start thinking they are getting ripped off because of it

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You are selling a doll, Jesse. You don’t have to worry about this. All the extras are gifts from you. You can’t afford a million outfits or designer clothes until you are selling your dolls for a thousand bucks! They will be happy with a couple outfits and a beautiful doll.


Very true :two_hearts:

Again i dont collect but i would think liking reborns enough to buy one they would also be thrilled to go buy baby clothes.To me the clothes would just be a small perkWouldnt sell the doll or mean a lot…Just what i would feel though.

My youngest is 10, so I haven’t purchased baby clothing in a while, but a friend drug me along to a sale at Babies R Us and they’ve really come down in price since mine were babies (10 - 18 years ago). I found a cute dress and bloomers for $4.95 and a shirt/pants/sleeper set for $6.95. That’s MUCH leass than I was spending at Walmart! (I only send new clothing with my babies and the clothing is built into my price.)

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