Seconds of Olive

I got an email saying, BB had seconds of Olive. I go to site, find her n put her in the cart along with seconds Logan. Olive was 19.95, 2 min later, price changed to 24.95.


Second time to me. If you gonna put them on sale, at least have them on sale for some hours. Not 5 minutes. What’s the point in sending the emails.

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I know, but within 3 minutes, the price changed on Olive. I don’t really need them anyway. I got that whole box of kits to pick from. And besides I did an order with them the other day. No kits tho.

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That’s what I thought! And then I thought it was just my imagination. Hmphh…


Even tho it was only 5.00, it still makes a difference. I don’t like when I place an order n a day later they have the kit on sale you want or been waiting to go on sale.


Gee, it must have been a flash sale, cause I can’t find seconds of Olive anywhere.

$5 Def makes a difference. Especially if you want to order multiples.

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