Score! Baby April

April by Joanna Kazmierczak was my first love and the reason I now do what I do. I have been looking for a kit since I started reborning in January this year. An amazing lady sold me her kit for close to what she paid for it. This little girl will be staying with me. She’s still a work in progress but that little face has captured my heart :wink:


Congrats!!! I love that you finally go your favorite sculpt!!! She is beautiful, nice work!!!


CONGRATULATIONS to you!! I love her too! I was just lucky enough to purchase one from a forum member and I can’t wait for her to arrive! This would be my third, I don’t know if I’ll be able to let this one go though.
Have fun with your baby! She sure is special!


This kit on a scam page was also the reason I got into reborning and I also got super lucky when a lovely forum member sold me for exact cost which in the end was cheap since she is sold out limited edition :heart: yours looks beautiful and just may be giving me confidence to paint mine. So far she is my only planned keeper but I’m too scared to paint her since she is my keeper :joy::joy:


Thanks guys!! I did see someone on FB recently pay $450 for the April kit. So we are very lucky! :slight_smile:


Isn’t a great community a blessing! I wanted the sold out Presley awake kit and a member here sold me one for what she paid as well. I am so thankful as I’m sure you are too. Have fun with your dream baby!


Absolutely! Community it family at its best! :slight_smile:

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