Scammer on AliExpress

Look at this shop :rage::rage:

Shop5426169 Store


Yeah, I agree with your angry faces! How wild is that? Well, if anyone buys a ā€œrebornā€ doll for less than $50, I guess they either just get what they deserve, or else they are really not knowing what to expect. They havenā€™t done enough research. Thanks for sharing this.


These sites are popping up more and more lately. I have just finished reading a long thread on FB about someone getting scammed. Makes me want to quit. This hobby is being tarnished big time.


Iā€™m sorry. But Iā€™m out of sympathy. If someone thinks they can get the dolls in the pictures for that price, they deserve what they get. Sounds heartless. But come on. Common sense, people. :woman_shrugging:t2:


Nope, quitting just means they win. Stand strong.


I bought a Baby Alive for my daughter for that price. What are people expect ?

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I see 30 clicks on that link just from this post. Do you know that every time you click on the link it bumps it higher as a ā€˜popularā€™ and brings more traffic to them?


Few people, who have just come to the reborn world, know nothing about scam. Iā€™ve learned it the hard way myself. but you learns from it. When that is being said, I actually think that doing so is completely disrespectful and without the slightest conscience to copy and take the ass of gullible people. It males me so angry

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Itā€™s completely wrong that our world has made it so easy to steal!! But that sites just proves the lack of common sense if you think you can get a ā€œabsolutely perfect ā€œ doll for that little price!!

Whereā€™s the safe guards for artist??


Can people actually think they are going to get an 800+ dollar doll for 48 and changeā€¦


I believe that people have been warned enough, they HAVE to know by now with all the people telling there stories of how theyā€™ve been scammed, they should know those prices are in sane for a REAL reborn. Really, come on

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Right?! It goes for anything. If I see a super nice pair of boots or purse online, for the same price as a mediocre pair in the store, itā€™s my responsibility to verify that itā€™s real. And I keep seeing homemade quilts online for around $40. So who is making high quality homemade quilts in bulk for nothing? Nobody. And that 1000X zoom camera lens for my iPhone? Itā€™s only $20. And that $100 boat. Yep. That has to be real. So, Iā€™m going to spend next weekā€™s paycheck on some walking boots to walk me to the $100 boat Iā€™m buying, so I can go sit in the middle of the lake taking pictures of the moon with the new fancy lens Iā€™m gettingā€¦actually, I think Iā€™ll take my boat in the ocean, from the dock on my ocean front property in Arizona. Anyone want to meet me there?


Will meet you there with my 20$ 1000pieces Lego set and my 30$ Apple watch


Awesome! I saw a $1000 Ford Focus with only 50,000 miles for sale in Arizona. The owner is going overseas with the military so she needs it gone. There are no pictures because itā€™s in a storage crate. I guess I could pick it up along the way. And in reality, I donā€™t even need a $1000 car. The prince in Nigeria should be wiring me millions of $$ any day now.


Does anyone have a pic of the doll you actually recieve from these sites?

I knew nothing about these sites until they were posted. I imagine their sales have increased since their sites are being posted throughout the reborn community. I donā€™t believe that it is keeping buyers away from them, but rather giving them free advertisement. There will always be people that want a cheaper product. They are probably selling thousands of these everyday to very happy customers. Please stop posting their sites and bringing them more business!


Yes sir!