Savannah bald?

hi! Has anyone done Savannah and left her bald?

I havenā€™t done Savannah, but I did Violet. I think they are similar. Violet looked odd to me before I rooted her. The top of her head (eyebrows and up) kind of looked too big for her face. Hair seemed to mask that a bit. Hereā€™s a pic of bald Violetā€¦

Do u have a pic of rooted violet?

Did it take forever to root? Rooting is not not strong suitā€¦

I rooted her pretty sparsely. It took maybe 12 hours, but she is only the 2nd head Iā€™ve rooted, so Iā€™m not very fast at all!


Here she is finished.

They look cute bald but even better with some hair, even if itā€™s sparse.


She is adorable!!! How muchair should I be using if I root sparsely? I always end up thickā€¦ To root sparsely, should I just spead each hair out a little further?

I love her full lips! Savannah has thin ones.

Yep, just spread them out more. My biggest problem was getting the ā€œsparsenessā€ even. I would start out sparse and before I knew it I would make an area thicker. When I saw that happening, I just plucked some hair from the thicker section to make it match the sparse.


Yes, more space in between the hairs.

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A 1/2 ounce a head?

I had a quarter ounce lock for Violet and didnā€™t quite use it all.

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Ok! Thanks, now I have something to gauge how much I should be usingšŸ˜„

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