Saskia edition differences

I’ve never been a huge fan of Saskia (I can see the appeal though!) and I was wondering if there was a difference between her 1st edition and open edition. I know there usually isn’t, but I was curious.

I started thinking about this because I noticed some saskia’s seem to have one eye much wider/more open than others. I didn’t know if that was a thing within the editions or not.

Thanks for reading :heart:


The ones with the (huge) difference are illegal copies.


Hmmm I just saw a very reputable artist do one that was crazy uneven. I definitely believe/see what you’re saying,I just hope that something else happened and she didn’t use an illegal copy

I think the first edition Saskia has more squinty eyes and they also have a little bit more of a bent pointer finger.

There where two editions of Saskia with a hughes difference

I have seen this more and it look so different just not the same the first one i love more


Lol I was about to share the same thing.

I am clairvoyant :smile: :rofl: :joy:

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Hmmm. I would assume eye size as well.
Are they from the same artist? I know how you stuff the heads also effects the outcome.

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Thank you for sharing this! Yes I looove the first one!

I’m definitely looking and it seems that the first edition has much smaller eye sockets (holes? I don’t know haha). I think the bigger eye thing may be more noticeable depending on the size of eyes you use

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I thought you meant the difference in each eye on the same kit when I first answered.

Oh, I did. I was just meant the issue doesn’t seem to be there in the first edition. If you’re looking at the doll, it’s on the right side. But it’s the doll’s left eye. I’d share pics to show you what I mean, but I feel like that could hurt the artists feelings.

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I have seen a lot of not very cute Saskia’s done. I hated her kit at first, then I painted one and she grew on me. I have another blank her also.
Mine are not the 1st edition.


How it comes that they are not the same while the sculpt is ?
I don’t understand

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Yours is adorable wow :heart:

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And on the video the eyes of the second look so big more than on your Saskia ?

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I think some people use large eyes and it stretches the eye sockets? I am not sure though


But on the video the whole dolls is bigger the head hands


Yeah, wow, those two look very different to me.


I love your version!