🏵 ROSE International Doll Show Talk 🌹

You will be fine sweetie. Take something for entertainment … Music or a book. Chew some gum
or something. And think about all the fun you will have :slight_smile:

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Do you happen to know what days that BB will be shuttling? And what times?

@AnnDee, @bbsupport or @EmilyBB may know more. I will see if I can find it on facebook, on the ROSE page.

We will be doing the shuttle for sure on the 19th from the airport to the conference center. And rides to the airport from the conference center on the 24th. We might be adding more days if we have enough interest on the other days but so far those two are going to be the busiest.


Thank You.

Only 18 days left!!!


Yikes, I don’t know if I’m gonna be ready, it’s getting here really fast now!!


All you have to pack is spam, Vienna sausages and some crackers. :laughing::laughing::laughing::heart:️:laughing:


How about p-nut butter and crackers and double stuff Oreo’s ???


Now that’s what my hubby would pack. :laughing: Can’t wait to meet you Lynn.




Well then, me and him would get along great!! I can’t wait to meet you either. I am so excited for this show since it will be my one and only that’s why I am always trying to recruit everybody I can to go, I want to meet everybody!!


Isn’t it exciting Mandy, we’re almost there!! Are you staying at the Hilton?

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I am staying with Angel at her house. Are you at the Hilton?

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Yes!! Did anyone decide where we were going to meet and at what time? I was looking at the convention center on the computer and they have a nice lobby, should we meet there on Thursday evening before the shower, so we can “meet” each other? For those of you who have a class together, you will already have met but the rest of us are out on a limb. Anybody have input on this??

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It sounds good to me. I plan to drive over, check in, maybe go swimming with my daughter, get ready then go over there to the convention center.

  • I am not at the hilton but a road over behind the convention center.

What time are you getting there Jenni? Thursday? Are you at the Hilton? Are you going to the baby shower?

I am not sure what time we will arrive, it takes 5 hours to drive there. But planning on leaving here early Thursday.

And yes on the baby shower. That is what we are coming for actually. No classes for me. Just meeting some of you, baby shower, and walking the floor Friday before heading back home.

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Meeting in the lobby before the baby shower would be great. Let me know what time.


I’m up for any time but I think some of the girls are still in class till around 5 p.m. so maybe if they can touch base with us we’ll have a better idea. The shower and dinner begin at 7 p.m. I believe. So we need a little time to “chat” before going in!!

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