šŸµ ROSE International Doll Show Talk šŸŒ¹

The workshops do need to be announced next time. It sounded like they needed someone to volunteer to announce them. Anyone here like being on the mic?

I will nominate you to do that Jill :grin: j/k


I would, but I am so bad at keeping track of time :confused:


Maybe my husband could do it. Heā€™s always volunteering for that sort of thing, Heā€™s not here now or Iā€™d ask him, but heā€™s off with his Navy Buddies for the rest of the week having a great time!


I donā€™t know about a mic, but when I was working my job consisted of ā€œLOTSā€ of paging over the speaker system. Iā€™m pretty darn use to it----and I would be glad to do itā€”BUTā€”I canā€™t guarantee that I would be on the floor all the time. I shop then take a break, shop then take a break etc. And I am NOT aware of anything when I am ā€œdollā€ shopping!!! So, therefore I would be a bad candidate, sorry!!

WOW, that was kind of an LDOS!!

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Iā€™m getting excited all ready! LOL


Me, too, Helen! Thanks for letting us know, Emily @EmilyBB!!!


:dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer::dancer: <<< me :innocent: Doin the Happy Dance cha cha cha !!


Me too, I can just see the Souvenir baby nestled in a ā€œfakeā€ cupcake!!!


Great. Another year out of reach. Canā€™t someone start a decent show in the southern US? The ID&TS isnā€™t even near the size of ROSE and even that is six hours from me. I think since ROSE is the main US show it would be nice if they had it in different regions each year. Atlanta or Nashville would be stellar.

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They did mention (before the last show) that they might consider (at some time) having the show closer to the East coast if they could get enough volunteers to help. I donā€™t know if thatā€™s ever going to be a possibility or not though. The ladies that make the ROSE show possible live closer to this area so I imagine it would be very difficult to move it to somewhere else. There is a tremendous amount of planning that has to go into a show like this. Maybe someone can start a show back there so many of the people who live on that side of the country could enjoy a nice reborn show as well. There was people from all over the states at ROSE this year. Several of our girls came all the way from Florida. Thatā€™s about as far away as you can get!! Start saving NOW and maybe everyone who WANTS to go next year-----can!!!


One even drove from Florida! And there were people at the show from Germany and Australia too.

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I didnā€™t know somebody DROVE from Florida, thatā€™s a long drive!! I talked to a lady from New York and she was so nice and here all by herself. Said she was on HER vacation and this is how she chose to spend it!! She was having a blast!! The coolest thing about the ROSE show is: NOBODY IS A STRANGER!! Itā€™s so fun!!


@snuggle2me and her husband drove from Florida.

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Thatā€™s crazy!! I sure hope they had a great trip along the way!! There is a lot of great places to see across our beautiful country!!


It was a great trip but I sure was happy to finally get back home. Two weeks living in hotels makes you really appreciate having a home to come back to. We did stop in Las Vegas for 3 nights at the stratosphere. Itā€™s really pretty at night. Kinda crazy during the day so we didnā€™t stray too far from where we were staying. I still havenā€™t had a chance to upload my photos on my computer yet of the trip.


Vegas is a pretty trippy place for sure. Did you get to go up in the ā€œhigh rollerā€ the giant ferris wheel? I havenā€™t been up in it but I would like to go up at night so you could see all the lights of the desert, Iā€™ll bet itā€™s gorgeous!!

Hubby afraid of heights. He refused to ride it lol. I went outside of the stratosphere at the top of the tower by myself because he refused to go outside. It was too funny to see my big strong husband afraid of heights.


Came from South Africa too !