It’s been a pretty rough day today, but now it’s a very good day! I just bought my tickets for ROSE! AND best of all, I am taking Jacqueline Kramers rooting class! I am so excited that it’s hard to type. I’ve had my hotel room for a long time, but everyone said I’d better get my classes or they’ll be gone. I still have the other class day open so if anyone does a one-day on that day I could still fit one in! I’m trying to count pennies and my husband says to me “Will you stop it? You never go anywhere. Do everything you want!” WOW!!! He’s going to be really sorry he was so nice to me! LOL
I signed up for Jaquline’s class as well. I was just going over my list of things to do to get ready for ROSE. It’s basically sell a doll…buy combo pass…sell a doll…pay for room…and so on…lol. I’m happy we get to be in the class together.
Helen, are you going to the baby shower? I got my ticket for the shower and the show quite a while ago but I can’t go to any classes------out of my price range. I’m doing good just to get to the show. Are you flying? Did you reserve your room for the extra days? I will be there from Thrusday----leaving Sunday. Will you be going to the show both days? I am.
Congratulations on going to the class, you guys are going to have so much fun, wish I could do it!!
Congrats Helen!! Yall will have a great time.
I can only wish I could go. Will see how things go after the 1st of the year.
I really don’t want to come by myself to a place I have never been LOL.
Bob could come but I doubt he would be interested in a doll show for several days.
It would also depend on if there were any others that may want to share a room to cut costs down.
Mandy, Bob’s a big boy. I’m sure he could find something else to do during show hours. Maybe some other hubbys are going that he could hang out with.
Mandy you won’t be by yourself…we are all there for you.
Ahhhh Helen, I am sooooo happy for you…I know you will have the most wonderful time…Wish I were coming too…Just curious…when exactly is it next year? I know you ladies that go are going to have a blast!.. I hope you’ll all will be able to meet up with each other…Lots of pics too please!
Wow so happy for you!! I want to go to ROSE so bad but I won’t have the money to do the 2016 one but you can bet that in 2017 I’ll be there!!! I can’t wait!! I also can’t wait to meet you wonderful ladies in person! Your hubby is a definite keeper!! You’re a lucky lady!!
@jeanhai I kow Bob is a big boy, but unless Bob wanted to attend a doll show I really do not see any reason for him to go. That would be double the cost of everything. And Bob is not the “hob-nobbing” type really. He isn’t stuck up or anything like that… he is just quiet and keeps to himself lol. So I would need to come by myself unless he was all gung ho and excited about babies. While he likes the ones I do… I really do not think he would care to be stuck doing doll stuff for a few days LOL.
@Blissfulbabies I know I technically wouldn’t be alone. It would all depend on if anyone has space in their room for me or if anyone would like to share a room with me. If I flew in on the 21st and left the 25th that is quite an expense to take on for just one person…but I would happily share a room with someone else to cut down expenses.
I was able to find nonstop airfare from Orlando for $228 last night… on Delta… so that rate was pretty good. I just want to go to the show both days and attend the awards and baby shower. I would love to take a class but that might not be possible this time.
Mandy, I hope I didn’t sound snotty. Didn’t mean to. I was just thinking there might be something else around there he’d be interested in.
there were several hubbys there this year…but I agree with you Mandy…I did not want to take my hubby because it is ‘girl fun’ and because it cost twice as much! It cost me over $400 to fly round trip this year…and that was taking the early ticket purchase that has no refund…I think we are driving next year but I wil get there somehow…so fun!
and…I am assisting Linda Hill in the advanced genesis class
@jeanhai no I didn’t take what you said as being snotty LOL. I just know Bob and not sure he would want to be stuck in Utah with nowhere to go and nothing to do but babies LOL
I was shocked I found a Delta flight out of Orlando so cheap… I really need to make a decision.
@AmyR777 and @kareninflorida are either of you going to ROSE?
You really should come. It’s going to be so much fun. No one knows what the future will bring and who knows where the show might be next year.
@colee1970 My husband will be there.
@lynn Yes! I am going to the baby shower.
@Blissfulbabies Melanie, now I am really excited about the class! I get to spend a whole day with you an Jacqueline Kramer! How cool is that? My biggest fear is that because she uses a different needle, I won’t be able to root a single hair. I’m bringing my heavy duty magnifier glasses too!
@westernstarr It runs from July 20-thru July 24th. The first two days are classes. The second two are viewing and shopping and stuff. The 24th is the Awards Banquet that I wasn’t going to go to, but I am because I bought a package deal yesterday and it was included. Are you thinking of swimming over??? Please come Starr!
I’ll be there! I don’t think Karen will be.
Amy, are you taking any classes?
What day are you flying out Amy? Does anyone have extra room in their room at the Hilton? If I can find a room there (they are sold out) with someone I will try to get my ticket. I will be happy to pay my
Helen…I Changed the needle I use to a 46g with red rubber on the top of the needle. It’s so much easier to root single hairs with. I’m bringing a small Ott light and 2 different magnifiers. I’m hoping she uses similar needles but I’m open to learning everything I can from her.
Mandy, this is really creepy for me too. I haven’t traveled by myself much and it is scary for me too but I want to go------so I’m GOING-----and it has to be by myself cause that’s all I have. Come on, be brave and do it, we will all be around there somewhere!!!