ROSE expo help

Listen. I’m still new and have no idea what I’m doing. My brain is 75% air. Please excuse all my silly questions lol.

So, I’m trying to go to ROSE 2021. On the website though, there’s not a lot of information I can find about 2021.

I’ve looked for tickets and things, but I don’t know what I’m doing. How do I get tickets and get a table to display my dolls? Is it still too early? Am I too late?? Most things on the website are from 2020 still. I am confused lol. Can someone who knows what they’re doing help me? I joined the reborning community in October last year so I didn’t have any experience with ROSE last year.

Due to ROSE being canceled in 2020 most people rolled over their tickets, tables, booths and classes for 2021. So I think they might be sold out. If you want on a waiting list you would need to contact them.


Dang. Thank you

Were you just getting a table to display or sell? :thinking:. I don’t think it’s that kind of a “show”. There are contests you can enter based on experience you can enter beginner reborn contest but I think you have to be present to win and the tickets for the awards dinner are sold out.

Tickets for all the events-baby shower, awards banquet and beach baby party are all sold out. You can probably still get tickets to the show floor. They usually sell those at a reduced rate if you buy them in advance but they also sell them at the door. If you live nearby it would be worth it to go just to see the dolls, meet sculptors and other artists, but the events are really fun. I went for the first time in 2019. I watched like a hawk the minute the show was over to book everything for 2020. Then it got rescheduled for 2021. They sell out very quickly.

Okay so it looks like I probably can’t go this year since everything is sold out lol. And yeah I meant with the contests, like I said idk how anything works for rose. Other sort of conventions I’ve been to have tables and stuff so I didn’t know if rose had them too. I definitely don’t live nearby lol, I’m in Virginia. Maybe next year I can go and plan a cross country trip around it :partying_face:


You can rent booths as an exhibitor but those sell out as fast as the events, if not faster.

I am going to go to the Rose. One of these years!

Do you all think it will be going on this year? I’m wondering if things will be ready by then as far as capacity and things like that with public events.


It’s hard to say at this point. If it happens, I’ll be there.

If it can’t happen in July then I think they should move it to later in the year. Something tells me we won’t be allowed to have a gathering of that size in July again! Missing ROSE two years in a row is just TOO MUCH!!

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I will be sad because I want to go to meet my doll friends, but if everything is already sold out and everyone is rolling over to 2022 at this point then? I still would go to the floor show I think.