Rose Doll Expo

I would love to go to the Rose Doll Expo in Utah. However, I can not. One reason is that my foot will need surgery and will not be able to walk or stand a long time. The other is I am in Texas. My question is that I want to buy the three Video’s of Jacqueline Kramer, that she is giving out free if you go to the Expo. How could I purchase the videos?

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I want them too!!

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They will be available to purchase from Bountiful Baby soon.


I would like to buy them also.

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Interested in them to , I am interested especially on a good rooting video .


They will be available from bountiful baby online soon after the doll show.


Thank you, :blush:. Looking forward to BB selling them.

awesome news!! Looks like they will be 29.99 a piece and broken down into sections :slight_smile:


The videos will be available on our website to purchase. But the prices on the video will be

Video 1 $29.95
Video 2 $39.95
Video 3 $49.95

Hope this clears it up.


I’m half thinking of driving (from Texas). Lmk if you decide to go!

Maybe you could rent you a scooter to ride if you go to the show? I had to have surgery on my foot last year and I rented an electric scooter when we went to Disney. Should be able to find a rental for one somewhere in Utah

Does anyone know when Bountiful Baby will be selling the videos of Jacqueline Kramer?

They are supposed to be selling them on their website from what I understood

The videos are now for sale. Just saw them under supplies ->Books/videos/cds

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Thank you, I will go look. I called them the on the day I wrote this post, and they said it would be two more weeks.

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