ROSE 2017 (head count)

Wondering what possibilities are out there:
Who is seriously thinking of going next year?
Who would be willing to share a hotel room?
Who lives in CA that would consider a road trip?
Would anyone be interested in being my helper if I run a booth or table?

No commitments or promises, only asking about interest.
I may already have a roommate & helper, but it’s not official yet.


Where in southern calif. are you?? I’m in So. Cal too!!

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Hey, I’m in San Diego County!!


I am considering going just out of curiosity and to meet some other reborn artists. I would have to fly because I have a little at home but I would be glad to help out…do a food run, cover bathroom breaks…

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Mom and I are for sure going, not sure if it is a road trip yet, haven’t gotten that far on the plans. Let’s keep in touch on this, love to go with you.

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Where are you at in California? I’m in southern CA

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Santa Clara near the 49ers stadium. Everyone seems to be south from me :frowning:

They are booked already?! Sheesh

My whole family lives in the Bay Area, I grew up there I’ve only been down in SoCal for about 8 years. I visit often

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This year it said they were booked when I checked online in Feb. Then when June came about they had rooms… but I had reservations elsewhere.

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Planning on going, probably won’t be able to be all that helpful because I will be bringing my 3 year old, but am willing to do whatever I can.

For those wanting to save some $$$, check out airbnb. Rent a whole apartment with multiple bedrooms and split the cost if you want… I pretty much refuse to do a hotel anymore. Not when I can get much more space and a kitchen to cook in for so much less.

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We are in Apple Valley, southern California

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LoL I see you are familiar with this jewel of a site too lol. It’s really the only way to go if you’re staying anywhere more than a night or two.

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