Rooting questions & tips

Hi, so I’m waiting on my first proper kit to see be and making sure I have all the supplies I need, I would like to try rooting on this one but have questions.
What size rooting needles should I get?
Is it possible to get straight mohair and how do you determine quality of Mohair?
Also what do you use to map the head out that does not stain the vinyl?

Jacky x

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That should say waiting for it to be shipped (autocorrect is a pain in the butt)


I’m new to reborning so the advice I’m giving you is based on what I’ve read. You can use chalkboard chalk or a prisma pencil to map out the rooting pattern. Kim @ CustomDollBaby on YouTube has some great videos all about this and the other questions you have asked. As far as needle size and type, it’s personal preference so it would be good to get a few of each to see what you like best. I’m planning to start with a 42g crown and a 42g single barb. A lot of people like forked so that may be a good one to try. Watch some YouTube videos about rooting, there’s so much info out there about that. For hair quality, there are a lot of good discussions on here about that. You can use the search feature. But the ones I hear the best info about is Golden Fleece, Slumberland, Karman Dolls (Etsy), HP Babylocks, J’s Premium Mohair, and suri alpaca hair. Some people like Ruby Red but it’s not considered to be one of the better ones based on what I’ve read. I have a doll with Ruby Red and I’m going to take it out and reroot her once my hair comes in (from Karman, J’s, or my HP Babylocks from MacPhersons - whichever gets here first). It’s a mess! But I think if someone were directionally monorooting it may work well. I only say that because some people say they don’t have problems with it and that’s the only way I can imagine why they wouldn’t. There are different textures of mohair based on the age of the sheep at shearing so it’s good to learn about that as well. The info on the Golden Fleece website is helpful for that.

I just want to add here that Ruby Red is garbage. That is what I was told when I started. I did not want to try something like that when I am trying to learn. So, I have never purchased that type. I DID purchase some from
I have read that some of the ones listed up above by Christen are some of the very best. Karman dolls on Etsy – everyone raves about that one. They say it is great hair and it is very inexpensive. It comes from Russia, so the shipping time won’t be as fast as some here in the States. Are you in the U.S.? If not, then you may have an advantage over us with the shipping times.


Wow thank you both for the info, I will check out some of the names you have given me and read up a bit on mohair, I’m in the UK so delivery for m Russia wouldn’t be too long x

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Needle size would depend on how hard the vinyl is you would be doing it on, for your first time a hard head and smaller needle may be very difficult for you to learn from. I always use Karman Dolls Etsy mohair, absolutely love it but also recently found The Quirky Chromatist located here in Michigan where I am from and her hair is also amazing! I haven’t rooted anything but eye lashes with the quirky Chromatist hair yet but I can tell the quality is definitely there! :heart_eyes: Fyi if you do go with the Quirky Chromatist you can find her on Facebook, where she also has a link to her website. She has certain dates she posts her stock and typically it sells out quickly so be aware of that also :slightly_smiling_face: Karman dolls makes as ordered so that is always nice you can get any of her colors she makes but it just takes a bit to get. SO worth the wait might I add!

The kit I have coming is just a cheap one from rebornland, I don’t think it’s an artist kit because there is no artist name on it, I’m guessing it’s one from China but not the eBay knock off ones, so more than likely it won’t be a very soft vinyl.
It’s really just a chance for me to practice more on a kit without spending a fortune on an artist’s one and ruining it which is why I thought I may as well give rooting a go on that one too.
I will have a look at that Facebook page you suggested, I really want realistic looking hair, some dolls u have seen on eBay just have a fuzz on their head and look so fake lol

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Also, just FYI, you can get practice parts at very good prices. I know Bountiful Baby has them and I think other companies do, as well. They are great for practicing, and you know they are legit.