Rooting heads phobic

I’m SO afraid to root even combo hair!! The first and only time I tried the varnish got little pins holes that I baked out but still :persevere: I Know it depends on the gauge of the needle. Please tell me to go for it again ugh!! I root eyelashes and I think they are cute but all I want to do is root combo hair with my penciled hair once in a awhile, but I know it’s going to look bad LOL Edited to add that I do swirls in the crown in my drawing of the hair, won’t it look terrible to root and cover that?


I wish I could do paint and/or pencil hair! Is it possible to root along the lines of the swirl so you don’t cover it up?


You should try again. Practice on a test part. I had no clue what I was doing when I attempted to root my first one. I just kept poking the needle in again and again in the same small area. I had to stop because there were so many holes, and hardly any hair, a half inch piece of scalp was about to fall off. lol
This is what my rooting looks like now. Not perfect but a lot better than a big hole in the head.


Thank you for the laugh Jean!!! LOL! That baby is gorgeous! I don’t want holes :frowning: ugh I guess I will just use a head but I always think I can reborn it even if it’s in bad shape :sweat_smile::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Try it Debbie! It’s not hard :grinning:

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Try on a test part if you’re not so sure yet. I was scared of rooting too at first, just doing it got me over that. Now I just dislike it because it takes me too long. XD

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What size needles do you use so not to put huge holes in the vinyl? Ty :slight_smile:

Keep trying. That’s what every here told me a few years ago when I started. My first rooting job was terrible. The hair stood straight up in all directions. Then I went for about a year with babies whose hair was just unrealistically thick, although it did lay down properly.

This is about two years in:

It’s not perfect, and there are plenty of artists who do a better job than me, but I’m finally happy with it.


It’s beautiful…wish I could do it.

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Keep trying and keep experimenting. You’ll get better and better each time!