Riley kit

I’ve debated on trying the riley kit just because it has full arms and full legs but not sure that I want that big of a baby. So I googled her just to see if anyone had posted photos of her. I found an absolutely gorgeous oriental baby. Couldn’t resist sharing! … cough.html
And done as an AA baby Lifelike Ethnic/ AA Reborn Baby Girl For Sale- Shanobi
Decisions, decisions!!!

She looks beautiful.

Wow I really like the oriental version- you are right it does suit her very well. the dark skinned version is beautiful too.

Oh my gosh i want that african american baby she is adorable!!!

But the full arms are why I’d buy that kit! I absolutely hate the stupid arm bumps! If the body were sewn so the bumps were the same size as the arm or only slightly bigger, I could maybe deal. But they are too big around and too long for most of the arms. When you put a shirt on, either they show because the shirt sleeve is shorter or there is a lump at the top of the arm. I’ve tried only adding a tiny bit of stuffing but they still drive me crazy!

Love those versions of Riley!

Where can i get the riley kit?

Riley is one of the BB kits. It’s in the 22" size in the gallery. Seems to get overlooked a lot! It’s the same artist that made Shyann.

I love both versions! Thank you so much for sharing their links with us.
