Resale weirdness

I always say that once a baby leaves here it is no longer mine.

Someone is reselling a baby I made and I am not sure what happened to it, or if it’s just very bad photography… sigh.

She is giving me full credit but damn that looks nothing like the baby I sent out into the world. She sent me a box opening video when she got the baby so I know it made it to her in good shape.

Kinda breaks my heart, I am a little freaked out. Not only that but she is selling it for 690.00 more than she paid for it.



690 more!?! That’s crazy!


That’s a ridiculous price increase. And customers like that really make you appreciate the ones that take beautiful pictures and make sure the baby is posed nicely and the hair is all fixed up.


Ugh…I had this happen recently as well. I sold a baby, and a few months later, the buyer put him in a waffle. She gave me full credit and used my pics, however when the waffle winner received him, she messaged me and sent me pics of how she received him. Half of his hair was missing - he looked dirty and just awful! I respectfully asked to have my name withdrawn from her posts about him because he does not represent my work, and because she had his rooting redone and that artist added to his paint, and he isn’t the baby that I painted at all. All of that would be bad enough, but to tack on $690 bucks too? Sheesh, I’d be so ticked off!

Yes…totally weird to deal with…on one hand…she bought the baby…but on the other hand…if it’s been misused so badly that it doesn’t look like your work…do you even want your name attached to her listing???

Selling for that much more isn’t very nice either…

MORE??? and she has damaged it? What the heck!

BTW Gina, I have looked at this baby so many times! Something about her simplicity of clown makeup on her sweet smiling face just warms my heart!
I just love her!


Awww…she is ADORABLE!!! I hadn’t seen her before…yoi are right Angie…such an endearing look about her…:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:

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A friend of mine sold a Pippa recently who just needed her hair rooted. She was fully finished otherwise. She sold the doll for 500 and sent the hair she had planned on rooting as well. Nice hair, too. Sarah Silk. The girl got her rooted and then turned around and sold her for 1600 not three weeks later.


I was a little conflicted but I did message her, asked her to please remove my name and nursery from the listing, told her this was her doll to do what she wished with, no hard feelings at all but it would make me more comfortable to be left out of the transaction.

I hope I didn’t step in poop.


Thank you.

I originally just painted her as a reborn but I couldn’t resist, I was costuming some other babies and she just needed to get her circus on. I just blushed her cheeks and nose. I really like the way she turned out.

I have someone who has been saving up for her. When ever someone tells you that, and keeps telling you that part of you just wants to mail them the baby…

If I started doing that regularly I wouldn’t be able to make anymore babies.

There is a practicality to all this sadly.

Thank you for the kindness.



Just to circle back she apologized and agreed to remove me from the listing, she was very understanding, I am super grateful.

I tend to be passive-aggressive as a default, working on boundaries all the time.

Feeling’ good about it now.

Thanks for the support ladies.


That’s great!!!

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You’re so funny!! :joy::joy::kissing_heart:

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