Reproducing Harper DID NOT stop the pirating of her!

Remember when they re-released Harper who was supposed to be a LE kit and they told you it was so they could stop pirating by taking the highly sought LE kits off their high value and flooding the market with the same kit with new limbs? Well look how well that is working! Yea…I could say I told you so! Let me say it again I ONLY SUPPORT AUTHENTIC REBORN DOLLS AND ARTISTS WHO DONOT RENIG ON WHAT THEY SOLD YOU.


The sad thing is I don’t think any of her kits had been pirated when she decided to re-release Harper. Her sought after kits were too hard to find for the pirates. But she made Harper super easy to get. She set herself up for this one. I usually feel sorry for the sculptors when this happens. But I don’t feel bad about this one. :woman_shrugging:t2:


@Katinafleming is correct…Harper wasn’t pirated until she rereleased it. I passed on her new kits even though I really like them. “Principle” of the thing…I also only order from Mac’s and Irresistables if I can’t find what I want from a dealer that doesn’t carry Andrea’s kits…


She screwed over collectors when she did this, now it looks like she screwed her own self. Had a bunch of Harpers suddenly popped up previously we would have known something was up. Now we don’t and people are free to carry on as they normally would.


What goes around comes around.


I knew it wouldn’t work. If people want to “save money” by buying cheap fakes, they’re going to do it. They are not going to purchase a re-release at $120.


This was my exact point from day 1. The types of people who are enticed by knockoff kits are not going to suddenly start buying $120 kits when they know they can get 3 or 4 for that amount.