Remember these?

How many of my veteran reborn artist friends remembers or even still has some of these bags? They are thin flour sack like material and kits came in them. I was always so excited to get one! I wish kits came in these now days instead of plastic!


Those are cute ! Cassie Brace send her kits in fabric bags, I really like it. But I guess if they all start doing that that will increase the price of the kits.

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These are thinner than what Cassie sent out. It may increase cost but I think it is nicer than having them in plastic because you can store them in these without worry of them going sticky from the plastic.


I’ve had similar ones from Germany. They had an option to add a cloth bag instead of plastic. It was so nice, I much prefer them for storage. It’s such a shame it’s all plastic now.

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I have a few :blush:

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Still have a few.