Release date - Nino by Vincenzina Care?

Does anyone know when this kit will be released, or even when a release date will be announced? The only information I can find says “2019” which is

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I dont think they know yet. Last I seen he was still a work in progress sculpt

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I thought Baby Walkers were banned in the US.

Not sure banned but definitely highly highly discouraged. Do they even make them anymore?

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A few years ago they did! I bought one when my oldest refused to put weight on her feet still at age 1. I only let her use it to try to stand up and blocked the wheels :joy:. I have seen some in stores but I put ours out with the trash when I was done with it for therapy purposes. No bueno for tiny humans! I didn’t feel right giving it away!

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I feel like I’ve seen the exercise saucer things but walker walkers I can’t recall. I’ve been into nursing too long and out of child care so I’m behind the trends. I do know you aren’t supposed to use Rock and Plays anymore! :rofl:

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Yep Walmart carries a couple walker walkers. :grimacing: or they did within the past few years. The rock N play got gifted to my reborns :two_hearts:


I have one we used for my nephew and it’s at my mom’s. I need to ask for it back but she probably is using it for her doll I made her. :joy: