Recent Price increase?

I totally get it. Why work for $400 a week when you can get $600 a week to sit on your asss. First they said it was unsafe for them to work (yet they were fine with the essential workers risking their lives.) Now they flat out say they can’t afford to go back to work because they get paid more to stay home. (Again not caring that the essential workers continue to work for less pay.) This mess has created an entitled society. And I’m still mad that the essential workers never got extra compensation. But you won’t see us complaining because we all know that money has to come from somewhere and we are not entitled to a hand out.


Agree 100%! :partying_face:

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Ours has been an entitled society for a long time. The pandemic just made it worse. Unemployment compensation won’t last forever. Then what? I think it’s shameful that essential workers weren’t given hazard pay. All the money distributions were helpful in the moment but are going to cost us all in the end.


It’s like some are entitled children who have no clue that benefits run out. They don’t think through the end of things very well.


The fact that doll sales skyrocketed every time a stimulus check went out is just one of the many ways to tell that a large portion of the population didn’t really need that money. And like you said, we will pay for it eventually.


Yeah, the stimulus checks are just a fraction of all the high tax money that has been taken from us for years.

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