Received Miles

Received Miles and he/she is so adorable. But I have a question. I haven’t bought a BB kit in a while. Are they all this pale now???


:grinning: They seem to come in different colours, but I actually prefer the lighter vinyl, because you can really “make it your own”. Summer Rain was like that too. Jealous you received yours! I can’t wait! How are the details?

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It looks kind of grey to me. Like the Tru Born vinyl. The limbs are from the Triplets so I have seen them before. The face is adorable. Love the mouth.

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Aww, good! Yes, Sumer Rain is a bit grey as well, but is warming up nicely.

I’m sure it will be fine. Just haven’t seen this color in a while.

BB had such beautiful peachy vinyl for a while. I wonder why they stopped using it?


I really like the new light vinyl. It gives a good starting point without having to neutralize before beginning.


Yes, exactly! I love it. It leaves so much possibility. Who goes to the store and buys a peach or brown colored canvas!? :wink:


Would be nice if it was a little creamier and not so ashy.


Why isn’t there a ‘formula’ for the vinyl so it stays a consistent color??? BB has been having a beautiful light peachy vinyl for the last while so why can’t ALL their vinyl stay that color, specially if everyone is happy with it?? Why is there fluctuation in color?? Is this a question for BB??


Probably a question for @bbsupport or @EmilyBB. Maybe the factory is having a hard time mixing up the right color vinyl?

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That’s what I’m saying Izzy----they should have a FORMULA---- You know 10 gallons of this color to 100 gallons of the white vinyl liquid. Shouldn’t be all that hard to stay consistent. If you work in a factory you don’t get to manufacture ANY product just willy nilly you have a definite plan to work. It seems pretty simple to me. I have worked in factories and factory offices and everything is run according to ISO standards!!! NOT that tough…


Oh true, Lynn. I have no idea how this kit making stuff works out lol. You’d know more about it than me!

If they’re made at different factories that might account for it.

I’m sure you’re right Jeanhai but you’d think they could look at the color and see if it’s actually a NICE neutral color or not?? After all it is the business they’re in!!